This map shows individual factors which may affect a region’s vulnerability to climate change impacts, compiled for Census Tracts in the California. This information was compiled by researchers at the Pacific Institute to better understand Californians’ social vulnerability to climate change-related impacts, such as natural disasters or increased heat stress. Vulnerability is defined as the susceptibility of a population to harm from exposure to a hazard, and its ability to prepare for, respond to, and recover from hazards.
Find more information about our methods here. For full details on data sources and methods, see our report Social Vulnerability to Climate Change in California (Cooley et al. 2012).
For a map of the Social Vulnerability Index, which combines these 19 factors into a single indicator, click here.
NOTE: If the map says “Data may still be loading” you will need to either zoom into the map, or reload the page. You should only see this message once for each map.
Download the data:
Excel (.xlsx 2 MB) Text (.csv 1.5 MB) Google (.kmz 8 MB) GIS (.shp 26 MB)