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The Water Program seeks to transform the way societies perceive, manage, and use freshwater resources.
Global Water Crisis Soft Path for Water
Water and Conflict Bottled Water
Human Right to Water Colorado River
dot Climate Change dot Salton Sea
Water Efficiency
dot Water Privatization dot Circle of Blue
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The Community Strategies for Sustainability and Justice Program advances environmental health, justice, and sustainability in low-income neighborhoods and communities of color in California.
Freight Transport Justice
Sustainable Redevelopment of the Oakland Army Base
West County Indicators Project
Community Research Academy
dot Participatory Research on Nitrate Contamination in San Joaquin Valley Groundwater
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The Globalization Program seeks to understand and affect the growing influence of standardization and certification as instruments of corporate accountability and sustainable development.
International NGO Network on ISO
International Standards, Public Policy, and the Environment
Environmental Management Systems and Reporting
Innovations Towards Sustainability
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The International Water and Communities Initiative addresses the lack of water and sanitation in developing countries, and the failure of local governments to engage affected communities.
dot International Water and Communities
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The Water Use in Business Initiative brings attention to business risks and opportunities related to freshwater scarcity and to define and promote responsible water management in the private sector.
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1 The CEO Water Mandate
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Climate Impacts
The Climate Impacts and Adaptation Initiative addresses the challenge of understanding and adapting to the unavoidable impacts of climate change.
Water Supply and the Impacts of Climate Change
dot Water and Climate Change Bibliography
Climate and International Security
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. Integrity of Science . .
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The Science Integrity Initiative responds to and counters the assault on science and scientific integrity in the public policy arena.
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. Case Studies  
dot Integrity of Science Blog
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